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Rooftop Solar

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Where in India has rooftop solar achieved grid parity?



Delhi, Maharashtra and Kerala are the three states, where rooftop solar has achieved grid parity, even without 30% MNRE subsidy.  Which in simple words means that it makes economic sense to go for rooftop solar, right now, because the regular electricity tariffs in these three states is so high that one can make significant savings by going solar.


Other states with very high potential, in North India, are Haryana, Rajasthan and Punjab, where the gap that needs to be bridged is very small.


Of course, solar is economical compared to diesel generators anywhere in India, with diesel prices over Rs.50 a liter and generation of about 3.5 units of electricity per liter, mere fuel cost comes to Rs.15 a unit.


Key Benefits:


·       Significant Savings on utility and generator power costs;

·       Relief from annual increase in power tariffs;

·       Reduced running of generator;

·       Accelerated depreciation and tax savings;

·       30% MNRE Subsidy on capital investment;

·       You contribute towards reduction of greenhouse gases and climate change.



Learn all about saving energy costs on our site.  We are always glad to meet you in person and assist you.  So, Contact us!

Various technologies used


Various technologies are currently in vogue, with varying efficiencies, costs and environmental impacts.  In India, poly-crystalline is popular for its low cost and ruggedness.









Open Access



Electricity consumers with a load of 1.0 MW and above can make significant savings in power and fuel costs, by purchasing power in the open markets.

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